Homeopathy is a holistic approach to address disease in a person and treats the body disturbances on emotional, mental and physical levels using an integrated method. Homeopathy works in a non-invasive way and was founded by Samuel Hahnemann a German physician in 1790. The foundation of homeopathy is “Like Cure Like” or “Similia Similibus Qurantur”, and explains that any substance which produces certain symptoms in a healthy person can cure the same/similar symptoms in a sick person when administrated in minute doses. This concept was mentioned in ancient Hindu manuscripts, and understood by Aristotle and Hippocrates, but was Hahnemann who turned it into a science of healing, science which homeopathy is practicing today.
"BIE is a natural, noninvasive method that helps a person’s body to recognize the culprit stressors that are causing their health disorder."
Our patented unit, the GSR-120, directs energy to specific points on the body, introducing the electromagnetic signature of the stressors (culprits), enabling the body to recognize the stressors, deal with them accordingly, and relieve itself from any associated symptoms – without the use of needles or drugs.
Bioenergetic pathways known as meridians, allow energetic signals to flow continuously through and around the body. It is through these bioenergetic meridians that the brain and nervous system receive information about the state and functioning of the body as a whole. Modern electro magnetic imaging technology has confirmed the presence of these pathways. When blockages occur within these pathways, the body is unable to recognize stressors. This results in homeostatic imbalance.
Naturopathy is a healthcare approach that emphasizes natural remedies to support the body’s ability to heal itself. It may combine various practices, like herbal medicine, nutrition, acupuncture, and lifestyle changes, aiming to address the root cause of health issues rather than just treating symptoms. Naturopathy sees the body as a complex system that, when in balance, can maintain good health, and it focuses on personalized care, taking into account a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
A naturopathic doctor (ND) is a healthcare provider trained in both conventional medicine and natural therapies. They work with patients to understand their health concerns, lifestyle habits, and medical history, aiming to create individualized treatment plans.
Smart Pulse uses Pulse Wave Technology to provide non-invasive, repeatable, reliable, and affordable scans, designed to check the function of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), stress response, and peripheral blood circulation. It provides objective data to identify psychosomatic disorders such as depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, poor concentration, mental/physical stress degree, chronic fatigue, blood circulation, and much more.
It uses variable red + infrared light to monitor the pulsatile nature of blood vessels and compute the data into a visual representation. The scan itself takes less than a minute to perform. Then your DPA technician will interpret and explain your results.