Every substance in the universe vibrates with its own unique vibrational frequency referred to as an electromagnetic fingerprint or “signature”. When exposed to a specific substance, the body will either recognize its signature or it won’t.
BIE (Bio-energetic Intolerance Elimination)
Vital life force energy (Bio-energy) fills every cell within the human body. Energy controls every metabolic process, including biochemical changes that occur within the cells. It controls the utilization of nutritional substances, the functioning of all body systems including the immune system. All cells are capable of receiving a countless number of frequencies that are stored within the cytoplasm of each cell, which in turn, consists of H2O. Hydrogen and Oxygen hold the electromagnetic charges, then, the cellular memory is processed within the DNA of each cell.
We predicate that during periods of stress, be it physical or mental stress, this increases the cell’s state of vulnerability to discordant frequencies. For example, electro magnetic fields such as mobile phones, microwaves, computers, household wiring etc., can enter cells through the Integral membrane proteins in the cell membrane and store in the cytoplasm, altering the cell’s homeostasis. Cells are most vulnerable during periods of stress: the greater the stress, the greater the incidence of acquiring illness. By altering discordant frequencies within cells, the body is more capable of adapting to the homeostatic state of the altered cells.
Let’s take for example, an individual undergoing a state of stress, during a mobile phone call, while eating an apple. In a normal situation, after the apple has been digested and then assimilated, the energy of the apple would be perceived as “apple”, and further utilized by the body. However, during the stressful state, the discordant mobile phone frequency can alter the integral membrane proteins, therefore altering the cell’s perception of the apple’s frequency. This would ultimately result in a rejection of the apple itself – consequently, homeostatic imbalance is born.
Every disease state and pathogen has its associated harmonic and disharmonic frequencies. Generally speaking, harmonic frequencies maintain health; promote growth and healing, while disharmonic frequencies produce illness and death.
New research introduces a radical understanding of cell science. New biology concepts reveal that human beings control their genome rather than being controlled by it. It is now recognized that environmental frequencies and more specifically, our perception or interpretation of the environment, directly controls the activity of our genes. This new paradigm of “bio-electrical interaction” has given us a better understanding of how the human body uses energy to heal itself and regulate its activities. It has also enabled science to re-evaluate previously discarded medical therapies and to explore new ones based on this interaction.
During the 1990s, three Nobel prize winners in medicine advanced research revealed the primary function of DNA lies not in protein synthesis, as widely believed, but in electromagnetic energy reception and transmission. Less than three percent of DNA’s function is in protein formulation; more than ninety percent functions in the realm of bioelectric signalling. One might say that electromagnetism is fundamentally responsible for all life, and everything in the physical universe. It is also within the force or energy – that gives rise to all matter.
Disclaimer: BIE practicioners are not medical doctors and do not use medical diagnostic or treatment procedures.
The services performed by BIE practitioners are at all times restricted to consultation on the subject of nutritional matters or homeostatic imbalances, and does not involve diagnosing, curing, prognosticating, treatment or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of disease or any act, which will constitute the practice of medicine in this country in which a license is required.
All suggestions (if any) regarding herbs or nutritional matters are based on historical and traditional use.
- Food Sensitivities
- Adrenal Balance
- Thyroid Balance
- Acid/Base Balance
- Iron Balance
- Cardiovascular Balance
- Stress Balance
- Environmental Sensitivities
- Seasonal Sensitivities, Plants, Pollens, Molds
- Energy/Stamina Balance
- Reproductive System Balance
- Bone Balance
- Blood Sugar Balance
- Weight Loss
Possible Outcomes
When the body begins to balance itself, minor symptoms like the odd headache, sore throat, sinus congestion, tired or lethargic feeling, aches and pains or possibly even nausea are all usually signs of the body cleansing. This is known as the “healing process”. A healing process can start the day after the session up to 3 weeks in some cases, and may last from 1 to 28 days. In fact, clients may appear to be feeling sick. This is common. The body is merely re-experiencing the same symptoms, temporarily, as it now returns on the uphill road, throwing off and eliminating toxic wastes.
How Long Does BIE Take?
It usually requires only 1 to 7 sessions for the body to normalize (achieve homeostasis) to a stressor after a BIE session. In most cases, homeostasis can be achieved after the first visit. However, depending on the stress level of the client, amount of bodily toxins and the strength of the person’s immune system or excess exposure to electromagnetic fields, the others may require a few visits for the body to normalize to those stressors. Once homeostasis is achieved, there is usually no need for subsequent or yearly visits for the same stressors.
Some factors that could affect the length of treatment required:
1. Your Level of Stress
a. Psychological – depression, boredom, anxiety, financial worries, marital problems, moving to new address, loss of employment, death of a loved one, weight gain, discord in families
b. Physical – injury, accidents, surgery, illness, strenuous exercise, dehydration, working/living near high voltage power lines or electronic equipment, allergies, weight gain
2. The Strength of Your Immune System
You may have acquired a considerable level of toxins as a result of poor eating habits such as: coffee, tea, alcohol, sodas, sweets, excessive processed food consumption, smoking, prescription drugs, chlorinated drinking water, the level of yeast (candida albicans) and air pollution. These toxins force your immune system to work harder to detoxify your body. In doing so, the immune system will be less effective in maintaining homeostasis.
3. Your Body’s Enzyme Levels
Our diet consists of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Your pancreas produces enzymes called amylase, lipase and protease that aid in the digestive process of these foods. As we age, our pancreas may not produce enough of these enzymes required for adequate digestion and will require the immune system to compensate by lending their enzymes for the digestive process. It’s also important to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that contain a natural plant enzyme (cellulase) for proper digestion of plant fibre known as cellulose.
4. Your level of Hydration
Dehydration can be detrimental to your health for many reasons. In order for your body to normalize to stressors after a BIE session, proper hydration is essential. Studies suggest 8 – 8oz. glasses of good quality water should be consumed daily.
Homeopathic remedies are prepared through a process called potentization, which involves successive dilution and vigorous shaking or succussion. This process is believed to enhance the medicinal properties of the substance while minimizing any potential toxic effects.
The principle of the minimum dose recognizes that it is not the quantity of the substance that is important but rather its ability to stimulate the vital force or the body’s innate healing mechanisms.
Services Menu
- Energy/Stamina Balance – (approx. 5 BIE sessions) Candida cleanse, *supplements
- Adrenal Balance – (approx. 5 BIE sessions) *supplements
- Thyroid Balance – (approx. 5 BIE sessions)
- Acid/Alkaline Balance – (approx. 5 BIE sessions)
- Cardiovascular Balance – (approx. 5 BIE sessions)
- Iron Balance – (approx. 3 BIE sessions) *supplements
- Blood Pressure Balance – (approx. 7 BIE sessions)
- Blood Sugar Balance – (approx. 5 BIE sessions)
- Kidney Balance – (approx. 3 BIE sessions)
- Colon Balance – (approx. 3 BIE sessions) *supplements
- Stress Balance – (approx. 3 BIE sessions) *supplements
- Reproductive Balance – (approx. 5-7 BIE sessions) *Candida cleanse required
- Skin Balance – (approx. 5 BIE sessions)
- Bone Balance – (approx. 5 BIE sessions) *supplements
- Travel Package – (approx. 3 BIE sessions)
*The italicized are optional, however strongly suggested*
The BIE process was never intended to treat or cure medical conditions or diseases, nor is it intended to manipulate the body to accept toxic substances that shouldn’t be present in the body. Once discordant frequencies (stressors) are recognized, the body can then differentiate between good and bad, harmful substances or non harmful substances, and deal with each one accordingly.
BIE practicioners are not medical doctors and do not use medical diagnostic or treatment procedures.
The services performed by BIE practitioners are at all times restricted to consultation on the subject of nutritional matters or homeostatic imbalances, and does not involve diagnosing, curing, prognosticating, treatment or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of disease or any act, which will constitute the practice of medicine in this country in which a license is required.
All suggestions (if any) regarding herbs or nutritional matters are based on historical and traditional use.
Program compliance is required for guaranteed results.